TurtleCare Defeat

Mon-Fri 08:00 to 17:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Opening Hours

035 16 27 00

Area of use

Power behind Turtle Care Defeat

What make our product unique?

About hypochlorous acid


Cleans quickly and efficiently without drying out the skin. Also works well for cleaning surfaces.

Viruses, bacteria & fungus

Hypochlorous acid attacks proteins in the cell membranes of microorganisms and destroys them so that the cell breaks down and dies.

Removes bad odor

Can also be used as a disinfectant for work shoes and gloves. Effective against odors caused by bacteria.

Not flammable

Due to the fact that hypochlorous acid does not contain alcohol, our product is not flammable.

Completely non-toxic

Hypochlorous acid is made from natural ingredients and is completely harmless to humans, animals & nature.

Testad på laboratorier

The active substance Hypochlorous acid (HOCI) is laboratory tested and is effective against a wide range of microorganisms.

Does not sting or irritate

Can be applied directly to the skin without sting or irritating.

Eliminates 99.999%

Eliminates more than 99.999% and more of dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi that threaten our health.

PH Neutral

With a neutral pH of 6.5, it can be applied anywhere on the body and at any time.

With the environment in focus

Only natural substances

The process that creates hypochlorous acid is called electrolysis, which is a form of electrochemistry. Disinfection completely without harmful chemicals and tested in laboratories with proven virus and bactericidal effect. Only for
external use.

Powerful cleaning

Classifies traditional disinfectants

Cleaning and eliminating bacteria in our environment has never been more important.

Proven effective

Against viruses, bacteria and fungal spores

Hypoklorsyra (HOCl), som är den aktiva substansen i DEFEAT, har blivit laboratorietestat och visat sig vara effektivt mot ett brett spektrum av mikroorganismer.